Empty Voices

Jade's heart pounded against her ribcage, each beat echoing the lingering echoes of the battle.

As Jade surveyed the battlefield, the scorched and battered ground bore witness to the ferocious combat that had just unfolded. 

Her fingers gripped the hilt of the dagger Ashaiki had thrown to her, the metal cool against her heated skin.

As the cloud of black smoke rose to the top of the barrier, mixing with the shifting fog emitting off the barrier walls, the scene revealed that Erebos was gone. 

Waddell stated, "Did he blow up?"

"No, no, I'm just too fast for that," Erebos remarked, appearing suddenly to place a hand on the back of Waddell, throwing him off balance in shock. 

Swiftly, Erebos summoned a coin into his palm, jetting it through Waddell's shoulder, spraying blood across the field.