King's Judgment

Upon entering the Demon King's throne room, Ty immediately noticed that the giant crater, which had been a result of his fall, had been slightly patched up.

However, upon closer inspection, it became evident that the area had recently been destroyed.

To Ty's shock, the three men kneeling in front of the Demon King seemed unaware of Ty and Todd's arrival.


Todd gestured to the kids, making a shushing sound, signaling for them to stay quiet.

"W-What's going on?" Ty inquired with a whisper, his words almost swallowed by the Demon King's thunderous voice that resounded through the hall, "State your crimes!"

The first man on the right side rose to his feet with a sense of confidence, despite the chains wrapped around his arms and a large scar marred his face, hinting at his turbulent past.

"I have committed no crimes. I merely seek retribution for the horrors inflicted upon me and my people," he declared, his voice steady.