Dining Hall

Ty's skeletal fingers interlocked the coldness of his bones, a stark contrast to the warmth of the conversation.

His eye sockets seemed to deepen as his thoughts swirled, a whirlpool of hopes and fears. The distant hum of the corridor lights played a soft tune to the rhythm of his contemplations.

He glanced at Sogetsu, who stood there, a figure of resolve with a touch of melancholy in his eyes.

There was a world of experience and stories behind those eyes, and for a fleeting moment, Ty felt a kinship with him. They were warriors, bound by a sense of duty that transcended realms.

"I can see why you are viewed as the Hero of your world, Sogetsu," Ty finally broke the silence, his voice carrying a note of respect. "You have a way with words, that's for sure."