Final Preparations

Adjusting her glasses, Kirana wore a mix of excitement and seriousness on her face as she responded to Ty, "Precisely, Ty. It seems like a part of your soul carries the legacy of some ancient divine practices, it might possibly be from the Sumerian era. These seals within you are not just any random occurrences; they seem to be acting like some protective barriers, ensuring that the divine fragments within your soul are accessed only by the rightful heir."

After a pause to let the information sink in, she continued, "Think of these seals as a kind of ancient security system, safeguarding the immense powers from falling into the wrong hands."

"Only those with a rightful claim, a direct lineage to those ancient souls imbued with divine fragments, can unlock and wield this power."

After he said that, the room was filled with a heavy silence as Ty absorbed the information, feeling the weight of the history of the powers that lay within him.