Depature Plans

Ty reflected for a moment, delving into the intricacies of the Demon King's plans.

"I have an endless amount of questions," he began, his voice tinged with a blend of curiosity and concern. "But I suppose some of the most pertinent ones revolve around the Angelic Race. We still don't know their next move. Are they aware of my soul changing? They might even attempt to come here."

The Demon King acknowledged Ty's thoughtful consideration of these complex issues. His following response held a note of approval as he appreciated Ty's strategic thinking.

"That's a good question," the Demon King replied, his tone conveying a sense of gratitude for Ty's foresight.

"I'm glad that you are thinking about these advanced issues and how they relate to everything. However, tending you to this planet will serve as a safeguard."