A Mystery is Born

"Can't say I remember your name. Is it okay if I just call you Flame Sword?" Ty asked, his voice echoing slightly under his skull-shaped helm.

"That's fine. We only spoke a few times after you rejected me anyway," the sword responded, a sharp edge of bitterness in its tone.

"Sorry about that. It wasn't personal, but—"

"Enough!" The Demon King's voice thundered, cutting off Ty's apology. "Hurry up, or I'll turn you into a pair of boot chains, sword."

In response, the sword let out a low rumble and, with a coughing noise, ejected a gauntlet. It clattered onto the ground between them. Ty let out a shocked gasp as he picked it up, his bony fingers wrapping around it with a mix of curiosity and surprise.

"Gross," Todd stated, You can eat stuff? muttered under his breath.