RP What?

Ty awakened as the first rays of sunlight pierced through the gaps in the crumbling walls, bathing the room in a warm, golden hue.

Beside him, Nana was cocooned in a small robe, her form clinging to his arm in search of warmth. Across the room, Todd was already rising, methodically preparing his garments for the day's endeavors.

"It's about time we get a move on, don't you think?" Todd suggested, his tone imbued with a subtle urgency.

With a slight nod, Ty acknowledged Todd's statement. He nudged Nana gently, who was unwittingly using his arm as a pillow, her drooling a warm, damp spot against his skin.

"I am not anyone's pillow," he declared with mild amusement.

As he stood and stretched, his movements roused Nana, who tumbled off his arm onto the cold ground, waking with a start.