Zaraki the Golden Knight

Nana, taken aback by the creature's healing abilities, jumped back. She raised her red hand and let off a single snap, causing parts of the creature to explode into bits.

Purple blood flew across the entire battlefield as the creature continued its lunge, attempting to slam its enlarged blade down on her. Nana took a defensive stance, ready to parry the blow.

However, before she could react, the creature's arm was sliced in half. An unseen force pushed the creature into a nearby cliff, lodging it inside.

Although it slowly began to regenerate, it struggled to loosen its grip from the wall.

A bit shocked by what had happened, Nana looked over to Ty, who maintained a calm demeanor and stated, "Not me."

Moments later, a shift in the wind occurred, and a man clad in golden armor, with a visor featuring five slits down the middle, bent a knee before Nana.