Contingency Plan

"I will see what I can do," she stated, giving a slight bow before leaving with an urgent step. As she departed, she pondered her next course of action.

The portal closed as the Demon King stood in contemplation. He pulled a square device from his pocket, adorned with blue engravings and small holes on one side. Pressing a button on its side, the device began to ring.

(---- Meanwhile, somewhere far away ----)

In a quiet room, a man with glasses sat writing notes and jotting things down. Across from him, another man was engaged in discussing battle plans.

The bulky man finished wrapping bandages around his bleeding arm as he spoke out, "So Jalen, what are the plans for when father returns?"

"I was thinking about asking him to head back to the academy to learn more about using spirit energy. But the cost is severe, and I don't know if he would be able to afford it," he pondered aloud.