Erebos vs ???

Flames engulfed the top of the Cathedral, casting an eerie glow over the chaotic scene outside.

Todd lay sprawled across the broken doors, his back bleeding profusely, forming a dark pool around him.

Every breath he took was a groan of pain, his body too injured to rise.

Nearby, the situation was equally dire. 

Erebos held Nana by the throat, her body riddled with cuts, some still embedded with playing cards.

Despite her evident pain and weakened state, anger flickered in her eyes. She struggled feebly, her arms trembling as she tried to muster the strength to fight back.

Nearby, a small yet tragic scene unfolded. Nana's blue fairy, usually a vibrant presence, was now pinned against a concrete wall.

An array of cards, thrown with deadly precision, held her small, delicate body in place. The fairy lay motionless, evidently knocked unconscious by the impact.