Air Head Fairy

Ty took a moment to stretch, feeling the weight of his blades in his hands. Suddenly, his mind was flooded with troubling images. He saw a battlefield, vast and chaotic, filled with creatures. People he knew were lying motionless, surrounded by pools of blood on concrete slabs. Among them stood a massive creature, its scales shimmering menacingly. The scene was vivid and unsettling.

Just as quickly as these visions appeared, they vanished, pulling Ty back to reality. The old General was looking at him, a bit puzzled. "Earth to Skeleton guy," he said, trying to get Ty's attention.

Ty looked down at his blades, noticing they were glowing with a strange golden light. This new detail caught his interest, adding to the mystery of the visions he had just experienced. "Sorry, I was lost in thought a bit," Ty replied, still trying to make sense of the vivid images that had momentarily taken over his mind.