The Shining Crystal

Ty's eyes flickered back to life as he awoke.

As he tried to stretch his skeletal arms, he felt a slight resistance. Turning his head, he saw Nana, who had unwittingly wrapped herself around his arm in her sleep, a small trail of drool escaping her mouth.

The warmth from Ty's slowly re-emerging black flames seemed to have lulled her into a deeper sleep.

Just then, Ty heard a soft "ouch" from across the room. Lady Amaris was sitting on the couch, engrossed in something on a small device she held in her lap, typing away with glasses perched on her nose.

Observing her, Ty thought to himself in slight wonder, 'Didn't she get her ass kicked also? How come she looks so refreshed and brand new?'

Clearing his throat slightly, Ty decided to speak up, "Good to see you're awake, Lady Amaris. It's a pleasure to see you're doing well. Do you mind if I ask a question?"

Lady Amaris looked up at Ty, her eyes calm and relaxed, and softly replied, "Sure."