Blood Stained Armond

Their high-speed chase, however, soon caught the attention of two guards. Startled by the sudden appearance of the giant green figure, the guards, identified by their badges as "Rear Guard," reacted instinctively.

They brandished their spears and attempted to strike at Todd, who responded with remarkable agility. Sliding to a knee, Todd evaded both spear thrusts, his movement fluid and controlled.

"Sorry for scaring y'all, but I'm with the kingdom," Todd quickly explained, trying to defuse the situation. The guards paused, their confusion evident as they noticed the emblems of kingdom affiliation on Todd's attire, indicating his alignment with their own forces.

Just as the guards were processing this information, Ty rounded the corner, his skeletal frame coming into view a few seconds later.

The guards turned their attention to him, their eyes widening at the sight of the black skeleton.