Shifting Tides

As Kieran entered the room, she stretched out expansively, feeling the toll of her recent adventures.

Her mind wandered, thinking of a soothing shower as she took in the spaciousness of the suite.

The centerpiece was a plush couch, set against the backdrop of enormous windows that offered a panoramic view of the New York skyline. She paused to admire the bustling cityscape below, a stark contrast to the peaceful haven of her room.

Her thoughts drifted to Ty, concern and hope mingling in her mind. "I sure hope Ty is fine wherever he is," she mused, her voice a soft murmur in the solitude of the room. Despite her worry, a part of her knew he was resilient. "Every time I ran into him, he seemed to be able to handle himself," she reflected, picking up a fresh towel. Her thoughts continued aloud, "But that body won't last forever."