Recon Mission

Reacting instinctively to Nana's taps on his skull, Ty pushed her away, a reflex born from his unique circumstances. Nana, taken by surprise, rolled off the bed with a minor yelp, landing on the ground beside him.

"Are you okay? Sorry, just a habit, I guess," Ty said, his skeletal voice tinged with a hint of weariness. Across the room, the sound of loud snoring filled the air, breaking the brief silence. They both glanced over to see Todd, sprawled across three tied-together racks, deeply asleep and oblivious to their exchange.

Nana, brushing herself off as she got back up, gestured for Ty to be quiet. "Shh, listen. What better time to investigate the capital than now? I heard that the King is here and taking charge. It's the perfect opportunity to do some digging, or at least try to."