Escape (1)

Nana's astonishment was palpable as the wall before them creaked and groaned, splitting open with a startling sound. A small shockwave rippled beneath their feet, prompting Nana to voice her concern, her tone tinged with unease. "Did that shake the entire room, you think?"

Ty, ever the practical one despite his skeletal nature, responded promptly. "Possibly. Let's be quick about this."

They hastened down the newly revealed passageway, their steps echoing in the long corridor. The walls here were adorned with unique words, intricately etched into the stone, creating a tapestry of mysterious texts. Alongside these inscriptions, cages lined the corridor, eerily empty and silent, as if waiting for something—or someone.

At the end of this haunting corridor, they came upon a curious sight. A totem stood proudly, its presence almost commanding in the dim light. Centered before this totem was a book, its pages open as if inviting them to delve into its secrets.