3 on 1

Ty, overwhelmed with anger and frustration, couldn't contain himself any longer. "Stop your bullshit! What have you done to Earth, and why do you continue to torment me?" he yelled, demanding answers from Erebos.

Erebos, his face turning to one of annoyance, replied with a cold, cutting remark. "I see you have access to so much power, yet it is the reason for your stagnation. You are too nice and unwilling to do what's needed," he said, criticizing Ty's reluctance to embrace a more ruthless approach.

Refusing to listen any further, Ty stood up, his determination burning fiercely. He slammed his fist into the ground, creating a circle around Erebos. An intense gravity field activated, trapping Erebos within its pull. With flames propelling from his feet, Ty rushed towards Erebos, his voice resolute. "I won't be letting you get away this time," he declared.