New Horrors

Ty, in a moment of confusion and disbelief, gripped Erebos's hand tightly as blood, crimson red, ran down it. Initially, he thought the blood belonged to Erebos, but to his shock, he realized it was his own. Blood was seeping from his bones at the site where Erebos's hand had pierced through his damaged armor. Even more startling, blood began to leak from Ty's skeletal mouth, a sight that defied all expectations.

Nana, witnessing this shocking development, cried out, "No!" Her voice was filled with horror and concern. She tried to stand, to rush to Ty's aid, but her injured leg gave out, sending her collapsing back to the ground, a painful reminder of her own vulnerable state.

Erebos, with a tone of ominous foreshadowing, addressed Ty. "You will become our Master's Skeleton King soon, young boy, but before then, we must break all of those keys." His words hinted at a grand, yet sinister, destiny for Ty, one that involved unlocking or breaking mysterious 'keys'.