The King's Plan

Ty watched, his soulful gaze fixed as Jade vanished from sight, leaving him engulfed in an abyss of pitch blackness.

He felt a tumultuous sensation, as if being torn through the very fabric of space and time, anticipating a return to his physical form confined within the cell cage, where the blue fairy and the peculiar old man awaited.

However, contrary to his expectations, when his vision cleared and his fading spirit form stabilized, Ty found himself not in the familiar confines of the cell but in a half-destroyed chamber. It was a place of ominous power, the stronghold of the Demon King.

The chamber bore the scars of untold battles, its walls partially crumbled, revealing the dark sky outside.

Hovering above him was the Demon King, a figure of imposing authority. His hands were clasped behind his back, his stance exuding an air of stern control.