(Filler/Skip) Standalone Chapter - "Slice of Life "The Dream" " - Standalone Chapter (Filler/Skip)

The sun peeked through the curtains of Ty's modest room, casting a warm glow on the scattered belongings that told the story of his recent adventures. But today was not a day for grand quests or epic battles; it was a day for something far less heroic, yet equally challenging - laundry.

Ty, standing amidst a mountain of clothing that seemed to defy the laws of physics with its sheer size, sighed deeply. "This," he declared to an empty room, "is my greatest foe yet."

Meanwhile, Jade, who had been training relentlessly for days, decided that a break was in order. She found herself wandering into the town, her steps light and purposeful. It wasn't long before she stumbled upon a curious sight: a street performer juggling flaming torches while balancing on a unicycle.