
Blood trickled down his cheeks, the nostalgia evoked by the sight of the vehicles striking a deep, poignant chord within him. It was a stark reminder of the familiar world he had left behind.

Suddenly, a pungent scent wafted through the air, catching Ty off guard. He halted abruptly, his senses overwhelmed. 


This unexpected stop caused one of the guards to bump into him.

 Just then, a bottle whizzed by, narrowly missing Ty and shattering against the sidewalk with a sharp crash. The hostility of the crowd was palpable, a stark contrast to the brief moment of nostalgia he had just experienced.

The guard behind Ty, impatient with the halt, roughly pushed him forward, his voice stern, "Don't stop walking." Ty's ears caught a hostile shout from the crowd, "Fuck you, Demon! Just go die already!" The words cut through the air, laced with venom and disdain.