Furthered Discussions

The man in the black robe then spoke, his voice carrying a weight of experience and insight. "That's one important lesson to grasp early on while you're here. In this kingdom, people are swayed by only two things: Power and Trust."

His words lingered in the air, resonating with an underlying truth that seemed to define the very essence of this place. The atmosphere in the room, a blend of casual elegance and underlying tension, underscored the significance of his statement.

The man in the black robe leaned in slightly, his tone matter-of-fact yet tinged with a hint of intrigue. 

"You have yet to demonstrate either power or trustworthiness, but regardless of the truth, you're already marked as a demon in the eyes of many. This trial, it seems, is less about proving your innocence and more about acclimatizing you to the public before the Arena of Life commences."

He paused, assessing Ty's reaction.