New found Trust?

The woman's plea grew more fervent. "Even if you are a demon, please ensure he meets his end. He's committed atrocities far worse than any demon has ever inflicted upon me." Her hands gripped the stone railings tightly, her distress palpable.

However, her words were met with hostility from the crowd. Boos echoed around her, and she soon became the target of thrown food and various objects. The scene was a stark display of the crowd's fickle nature, their reactions swayed by the spectacle before them.

As Ty's gaze lifted through the settling dust, he caught sight of the woman above him. For a brief, heart-stopping moment, her long black hair and fair complexion reminded him of Jade. This fleeting illusion triggered a vivid memory – the last moment with Jade, and the pink thread she had entrusted to him.