A Vale of a Problem


But Ty, fueled by a deep sense of justice and a hatred for needless death, didn't hesitate. Black flames erupted from his feet as he charged into the fray, responding internally with resolute conviction, "I don't care about that. I just hate the idea of senseless death. I'm not naive enough to not understand that it happens, but that doesn't mean I can stand by and let it happen."


His actions were driven by an innate sense of right and wrong, a stark contrast to the cold indifference of the creature within him. As he moved, his body seemed to be one with the dark flames, propelling him toward the conflict with a purpose that went beyond personal safety.

In his heart, Ty knew that standing against such violence was part of who he was, regardless of the risks involved. His resolve was clear: to intervene and prevent further loss of life, even in the face of overwhelming odds.