Faint Hopes

Nana approached Todd, her steps cautious as she moved closer to where he lay on the ground, still recovering from his brutal encounter with Erebos. The remnants of the battle were evident in his reopened wounds, with blood seeping through the hastily applied bandages. The green pill he had swallowed was working its magic, slowly knitting the flesh back together, but the process was evidently painful.

She sat down beside him, her posture one of concern mixed with a kind of weary resilience. Looking at Todd, she asked with a mix of worry and a faint hope, "So how are you holding up? You aren't going to go and die on me like everyone else has in my life, are you?"

Todd, despite his obvious discomfort, managed a slight groan and a weak smile. "Of course not, kid. I'm just more frustrated than in pain at this point," he reassured her, his voice reflecting a mix of annoyance at his situation and determination to overcome it.