Enter Rosa

Jade quickly donned her workout outfit, finding comfort in its familiar snug fit. "Snug as always, if nothing else, I suppose," she mused, appreciating at least one constant amidst the whirlwind of recent events.

Stepping out the door, Jade was taken aback by the transformation of the previously empty halls. Now, they buzzed with life and activity, with people bustling back and forth. They carried folders and engaged in conversations as if everything was perfectly normal, a stark contrast to the solitude she had grown accustomed to.

Jade thought to herself, "It's not too many people though, a good 20 people in total going in different directions. But I have never seen any of these people since I have been here. What in the—"

Her internal musing was abruptly interrupted as a hand landed on her shoulder, accompanied by a voice that remarked, "You must be new here, just after." The sudden contact and the implication of the statement jolted Jade