Science Stuff

"I see. I think I'm fine. Well, if they didn't know about the project, then were they just normal police officers or something related?" Jade queried, trying to piece together the puzzle.

The Director, pulling out a scroll, stated, "I wasn't really sure. I did know they spent a lot of time tracking down specific people with plans of using them for specific experiments and such. Who knew if they were even a part of it, though. They could have been living an entirely new life with no idea."

Jade, sounding puzzled, asked the creature, "What is your name?" as she pulled out a pen.

"What's the point if they don't know what's going on?" Jade mused aloud.

"Research, contractual payments, hard to say really. I only oversaw a small portion of it and checked in that they were yielding results that could help us with the current threat and new threats that may arise in the future," the Director explained.