A Fleeting Fight

"That voice, there's no mistaking it, that must be him," Jade declared, tension lining her words as she scanned the dimly lit forest.

"Who?" V asked, perched on her shoulder, his tone laced with confusion and curiosity.

"As far as I'm concerned, he's the one that started all of this," she replied, her gaze fixed toward the source of the voice. The sun was slowly rising over the horizon, but its light was not yet strong enough to pierce the dense fog enveloping them.

Jade's focus sharpened as a twinkle of red light caught her eye. Then, from the corner of her vision, she noticed the mist distorting, signaling an imminent threat. Instinctively, she drew her dagger close to her chest, ready to defend against the incoming attack. A coin spun menacingly toward her, but as she prepared to block it, an indicator suddenly appeared above the coin, flashing the word "Decoy."