Rosa Meets "V"

Jade further elaborated, "While I'm not entirely sure he doesn't want to kill us, for whatever reason, he didn't want to do it outright today."

V responded in kind, "That is quite the troublesome person to be involved with, Lady Jade."

"Yeah, he really is, but I don't care if it ends up killing me, which sounds childish, but I've already gotten past the point of no return."

"I know if the roles were reversed and Ty was the one who was killed, he would do nothing to get back to me if there was a possibility."

V stated, "While I'm not entirely sure what all that means, I will support you regardless."

As Jade activated the Cross and they began to dematerialize, she asked, "What, you've never had anyone you cared about before?"

Jade stated further, "While I'm not entirely sure he doesn't want to kill us, for whatever reason he didn't want to do it outright today."