Test Run on the Shard

Jade was visibly perplexed as she looked over at Rosa, who lay there, too exhausted to utter a single word.

"What do you mean, Sir? I've only just begun going out on these missions. Why would you pull me off? I'm aware the facility is already short-staffed as it is."

The director interjected, "We're not so depleted that we would crumble without you, Jade. While your contribution has certainly been beneficial, we managed before you arrived, and we will continue to manage after you. Don't overestimate your importance here. This request came directly from Ash after I debriefed her on your recent progress."

Jade's confusion only deepened. "Why would she want me pulled off the front lines?"

The director maintained a firm tone. "We will discuss this in a more private setting. For now, your task is to ensure Rosa gets to the infirmary to rest."