A Better Understanding

The director's chuckle was slight, almost imperceptible, yet it carried a weight of knowledge and experience. "They work better than a lot of movies or shows lead on. Depending on the caliber, a .50 cal round will rip through just about anything," 

he explained, the corners of his mouth turning up in a half-smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. His gaze seemed to drift, as if visualizing the ballistic might he described, then snapped back to the present. 

"But generally, we rely on our own to keep the public knowledge of this stuff under wraps. However, it's only a matter of time before it bleeds into the streets."

Jade, absorbing the gravity of his words, nodded. The air around them felt charged with the unsaid, the secrets that lay just beneath the surface of the mundane world they inhabited. She ventured further, her voice a blend of curiosity and concern.