Rosa Kidnapped

Jade mulled over her thoughts, a frown creasing her brow. "Yeah, I know that's what happened because I got depressed," she thought to herself before voicing out loud, "Rosa, you sure?"

Rosa nodded confidently, "Yeah, maybe she was messing with you. But I'd say wait to see her again or check with the director next time you see him because that doesn't sound like something they'd do. Where do they even live?"

Sipping her Margarita, Jade replied, "They both move around often, but they mentioned they wanted to retire in Japan in a few years, the last time we talked about their future."

"Aww, that sounds fun. Have you ever—" Rosa was cut off as a finger tapped on her shoulder. They both turned to see a man with an open white shirt revealing a toned abdomen. "Hello ladies," he greeted with a confident grin, "I couldn't help but notice you sitting here all by yourselves. Do you mind if I offer you a dance?"