Yun-Jin's Anger

The moment the Lieutenant's fingers snapped, a tangible change swept through the air. Ty, sensing the disturbance, reacted instinctively. He pivoted on his heel, just in time to see an arrow slicing through the air towards him. With precision, he snatched it from its flight path, the shaft securely in his grasp.

The fairy, taken aback by the sudden aggression, couldn't contain her shock. "Woah, Woah, who's trying to get in a cheap shot!"

As Ty's gaze shifted forward, he was met with the sight of Yun Jin. She stood poised, her attire a stark white Gi cinched with a black rope, her bow in hand. Her eyes bore into Ty, cold and unforgiving.

"Sir, when you stated you needed help with sparring, I didn't realize this filth would be wasting my time," Yun Jin stated, her voice filled with contempt.