Diving into the History

Ty's gaze was fixed on the old man as he saw him smiling at the broadcast before it ended, leaving Ty enveloped in his thoughts. "50 on 50… I see," he murmured to himself, the gears in his mind turning.

Goey, breaking the silence, stood up. "Well, let's get you back, alright? I'll let you know when to expect another visit, but I imagine your mentor will be with you tomorrow. Besides, he'll probably fill you in on sponsor betting."

Ty, looking towards the guard while his hands remained shackled to the dark stone, asked, "Sure, do you mind if I get the books given to me from the Lt so I can study up on some stuff?"

"Suppose there's no getting out of this fight, right? Even if I proved I wasn't some Demon?"

The guard, casting a confused glance at Ty, responded, "Yeah, it's likely at this point, with how much you've been hyped up and your live fight, it wouldn't matter. But out of curiosity, how could you even prove that?"