Enter Rusuf Goldire

In the midst of his confusion and as he braced for a counterattack, a surreal and gruesome scene unfolded. 

The head of the man who had fired the weapon abruptly separated from his shoulders, falling to the ground with a sickening thud, as if severed by an invisible blade. 

Behind him stood a young man, distinguished by his luminous yellow hair that flowed down his back like a cascade of light, giving him an almost ethereal presence.

Before Ty or the remaining assailant could fully process the shock, the first robber's accomplice, driven by confusion and fear, raised his firearm and fired next.

 However, his attempt was futile; the bullet was split in two by a swift, almost imperceptible strike. The mysterious swordsman, wielding his mist-like sword with precision and grace, had moved with incredible speed to position himself between Ty and the second robber.