
The fairy's rapid journey back to the prison culminated in her slipping through a crack in the wall, swiftly navigating to Ty's cell. There, she found him asleep, lying on the ground, a serene expression on his face. "Aww, he finally fell asleep. I wonder how he did without—" Her thought trailed off as she noticed something alarming. "Why are there bandages on his arm? Is that dried blood?!?"

Concerned, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Ty, what happened!!" In her urgency, she jumped on him, attempting to rouse him from his sleep. Ty, half in a dream, mumbled incoherently, "Not now, Jade, it's Saturday, we can sleep in a little bit," before rolling over and snoring softly.

Sighing, the fairy decided to let him rest, understanding the importance of sleep after whatever ordeal he had faced. She nestled herself into his pocket, choosing to take a moment of rest as well.
