A familiar Name

As Ty re-entered the confines of the room, he was met with an unexpected scene: all the other contestants lined up against the walls. The atmosphere was charged, a mix of anticipation and respect directed his way. One of the men stepped forward, breaking the silence. "How did the training go, boss?"

Ty, still preoccupied with the lingering confusion over Yun-Jin's kiss, was caught off guard by the title. "Why are you calling me 'Boss'?" he inquired, his eyebrow raised in question.

The bulky man, who had taken the initiative to speak, explained, "If you can help us get out of the first arena, we all feel we have a solid chance of actually winning this thing. So, in that respect, we all view you as the boss, if that makes sense… isn't that right, everyone?!"

Looking around, Ty saw a sea of nods from the other prisoners, a silent agreement echoing through the room. Only one sat in the far corner, his eyes closed, seemingly sleeping, detached from the proceedings.