Great Food or....

As Ty pondered whether he could trust the old man, the ship suddenly jolted hard to the right, causing everyone inside the cages to crash against one another before being thrown back in the opposite direction. Once the turmoil ceased and the boat stabilized, Ty realized they were finally moving.

"I suppose we're on the move, huh?" Ty vocalized, trying to make sense of the chaos as the low hum of groans and discomfort filled the space around him.

"Seems like it," Gears replied, his tan tunic robes fluttering in the wind that swept through the area.

Ty, curious about their destination, asked, "How long do you think it'll take to get to the... third continent? That's where the first arena is taking place, right?"

Gears nodded, "Yeah, from what I understand. It's not too far. Probably about a four to five-hour boat ride, assuming no Pantsankes decide to show up."

Ty, unfamiliar with the term, questioned, "What's a Pantsankes?"