Filling in the room

Ty's expression darkened, his frown deepening. "You should just kill me if you feel like that," he retorted, the bitterness evident in his voice.

"That wouldn't be fun enough," the King replied smoothly, his voice chillingly calm. "Trust me, the fun will come in due time."

As the conversation concluded, the King clapped his hands once more. At his signal, two guards stepped forward, their presence firm and authoritative, signaling it was time to move. They began to lead Ty away from the drawing area, guiding him towards the next phase of the pre-Arena processes.

As Ty was ushered away, he tugged unconsciously at the new fabric encasing him. "Glad I didn't keep that silk string from Jade now... else I would be really pissed," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with a mix of relief and annoyance.