2nd Squad Established

"Good," Lord Herald said, his tone softening as he released the binding on Kern. He took a moment to compose himself, his demeanor shifting to one of regret. "Sorry, I've always had a bad temper; old habits die hard or something, right? Part of the reason for my troubles," he admitted, shaking his head slightly as if to dispel the lingering frustration.

He then proceeded to outline the composition and roles of Squad Two:

"1st Son Kern Wishmaker, 3rd Son Gisorn Decker, Demon Ty, Prisoner John Stalon, and Prisoner Gerald Griffin. You all will be making up Squad Two and acting as the King's Attack Guard. You are in charge of collecting three bodies within the first 24 hours."

Lord Herald continued, detailing their individual abilities and roles within the squad. "Gerald, while you might not be strong in the general sense, you have a unique talent for scheming and the ability to plan on the run, as seen during your raid preparations when storming structures."