One Down

Lord Herald nodded. "He should be fine. The blade didn't pierce any vital points. But if that man can disable abilities just by coming in contact with our direct skin, then he's going to be a much bigger headache in the future."

Ty scoffed. "I could easily handle him; in all honesty, he was pretty slow the entire time. But I have my hands full trying not to be killed for the entertainment of a nation."

Herald's eyebrows furrowed at this comment. "Do not disrespect the Titanis Goddess' wishes. This event is much more than that."

"If you say so," Ty shrugged, his tone nonchalant.

"Well, I will go talk strategy with my squad for now, and when you're ready, I will be excited to go over this arena layout," Ty declared, preparing to leave the discussion.

Lord Herald nodded as Ty walked away, noticing Kern still trying to rub the blood out of his uniform.

"What the hell is this stuff?" Kern muttered, looking down at the stains.