Wheel of Turnings

As Ty shared the details of his recent ordeals, Lt. Daemon listened intently. Ty began by discussing the encounter with the Black Bulls' second in command, detailing the challenges and the outcome of their confrontation. He then moved on to describe the unexpected attack by the sea creature, recounting the events as they unfolded.

"I've known about the blood user since getting to the jail," Ty explained, his voice tinged with the stress of recalling the tense moments. He delved deeper into the incident involving his blade, how unexpectedly Erebos appeared, broke the blade, and turned it against him.

Choosing to withhold certain details, Ty decided not to discuss the creature inside of him just yet. He felt it was best to keep some information back until he had a better grasp of the situation and its implications.

Lt. Daemon nodded thoughtfully as he absorbed the information. "Sounds like you've had more than your fair share of surprises already," he remarked.