Strategic Minds

"Hey, sorry for pushing you off just now, I—"

Rosana raised her hand, cutting him off with a dismissive wave. "Don't worry about it," she chuckled, her voice light despite the tension.

 "I tend to lose my cool when I see something I want. My dad always jokes that it's a good thing I've never had a crush on someone, 'cause I might just tear them apart!" Her laughter boomed, echoing slightly in the open space as she devoured the last chunk of meat. 

The rich, savory aroma of the freshly cooked game filled the air, mingling with the earthiness of the surrounding woods.

Ty, watching her with a hint of wariness, shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "So, what's been happening with your father?" he asked, his tone laced with concern. "I caught bits and pieces about it."