White Knuckles

Ty chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Just go through it, and you'll see what I mean." With a light tap, he nudged Rosana towards the portal. To his surprise, she went barreling through, her arms flailing for balance as she disappeared into the swirling vortex.

Gisorn and John turned back, eyebrows raised in amusement. "Did you have to shove her that hard?" Gisorn asked, half-smiling.

Ty looked at his hands, genuinely puzzled. "I swear it was just a gentle tap. I think she exaggerated the push," he replied, a bit defensive.

John shrugged nonchalantly before taking a casual leap into the portal. "Well, see you on the other side," he called back as he vanished.

Left alone, Ty stood contemplatively in front of the glowing gateway. He stared at the pulsating light, curiosity overtaking him. I wonder how these things actually work? he thought, tentatively placing his foot into the portal.