Robot Spider

 received no further response; the drone simply hovered silently above him, its camera lens subtly adjusting. Ty let out an annoyed sigh and shrugged his shoulders as the glass-like door before him began to slide open with a quiet hiss.

"Alright, I suppose we can go ahead and get in," Ty stated, turning to his group. They all looked at him and gave a slight nod in agreement.

As they stepped forward, a brilliant white light shone from the entry, bathing Ty in a warm glow. The intensity of the light gradually increased until it completely overtook his vision, enveloping him and his companions in a blinding embrace.

Meanwhile, a bit farther away, another event was quietly unfolding, setting the stage for unforeseen complications.



Silence enveloped the room, punctuated only by the flickering of a dim bulb. A sign at the entrance read "Morgue Room."