To the Room

"Well, for me, you will if the situation arises, okay?" Gerald's tone was firm, leaving no room for doubt about the seriousness of their mission.

Heiu nodded reluctantly, "Of course, friend. Even if I would prefer not to."

As the elevator reached their destination, the doors opened with a soft creak, revealing a starkly different environment. Gerald stepped out first, his senses immediately assaulted by the unique atmosphere of this new floor. "Well, this is a different very feeling, even the floors are black and a weird smell is hanging in the air. What is that?" His nose wrinkled slightly as he took in the peculiar odor, his eyes scanning the dimly lit corridor ahead.

Gerald's gaze hardened as he processed the information, "I see, and contestants dying in the arena are brought straight here for extracting of some sort I assume?"