3rd Captain - Ziues

The Demon King put a finger under his chin and nodded. "I see, he probably used it as a way to track somewhere he had been. A lot of people on that planet can move and teleport people with relics."

He continued, "Still, if we can get that finger, perhaps we can trace it back to where Ty's skeleton frame is at... I don't think it will help if we can't find it... I wonder if I should go rip the planet apart to get it..."

Kirana pushed her glasses up and interjected, "I don't think we need to be that brash, sir. I think Ty is handling himself just fine, and if need be, we can send one of your daughters, any of the heroes that flow throughout the castle and sub-castles, or even one of the Twelve to go find it."

The Demon King's eyes narrowed as he contemplated her words. The room seemed to hum with the tension of his suppressed power, the shadows deepening around him.