Todd's Acclimation

"Shit! I expected them to last longer… but at least we can work with this and Pegasus got saved… Alright, Todd, you ready to kick this guy's ass?"

Todd smirked, jumping back after deflecting all of the spiked chains. He nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Of course, but tell me… have you noticed it too?"

"Noticed what?" Nana asked in confusion.

"Oh, don't tell me you haven't noticed, right?"

"Seriously, what do you mean?" Nana stated with annoyance, her brow furrowing.

"Tell me, who has he directly attacked?"

Six more spiked chains dove toward them at extreme speed. Nana released a clasp from her side, pulling her wand and focusing on each chain. With precise movements, she blasted them away for a second, creating a brief window of respite. She looked down and saw Gisorn, his arms clasped together with the pen still neatly tucked into his grip.