
He scratched his head, the fabric of his orange robe rustling softly as he processed the situation. "But I do remember Jui-Lao mentioning he met a blue goddess. You instructed him to watch over that demon, didn't you?"

Blue, now seated in his palm with a smug expression, nodded confidently. "That's right! Though... only because he has a mission to fulfill. One I can't exactly talk about right now." She gave a dramatic sigh, as though the weight of the world rested on her tiny shoulders.

Fui-Rui nodded slowly, his eyes softening with understanding. "I see. Well, I can't say I've ever met a goddess or one of her fairies before, but it's an honor."

Blue beamed, her wings fluttering proudly. "Of course it is."

JJ, feeling the tension slip from her shoulders, stepped forward and cleared her throat. "Right. Now, about Alexander..."