Chapter 217 – Being a Third Wheel is Hard

The problem was, if they attacked one base, the one close to it would probably interfere and become the third party. It was a bit unusual that two bases spawned near each other like that, but not impossible. The Goddess of RNG held the saying, after all.

"You guys are really barbaric." Flexy shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "Is there no better plan in your mind besides raid and destroy?"

"I mean…" Max raised his shoulders, looking at Atlas. "If Atlas alone can annihilate one team easily in this matchmaking, then doesn't that mean the others are just as easy as them? Just think of it like this. Do you need a plan to destroy ants?"

"I agree with Breeze." Atlas nodded, "If the enemies are professional players, then I might just pretend to be one of the players from the other base and cause disturbance that made them fight against each other. However, the skills of our enemies aren't that high. The three of us are enough to destroy them."